Travis J. Bristol Dept of African American Studies School of Education race and gender, urban schooling, organizational contexts of teachers' work, educational equity, African American students in schools
Tolani Britton School of Education social research methods, higher education policy, economics of higher education
Donna Jones Dept of English critical theory, English, modernism, literature and philosophy, literature of the Americas, literature of the African Diaspora, postcolonial literature and theory, narrative and historiography
Courtney Desiree Morris Dept of Gender and Women's Studies black women's social movement, state violence and authoritarianism, racial formations in Latin American, racial formations in the Caribbean, racial formations in the U.S., feminist and queer theory, environmental ethics, black visual culture and aestetics
Zamansele Nsele Dept of History of Art Modern & Contemporary African and African diasporic Visual Art, Black Art, Black & African Feminisms, Critical Theories of Blackness, African modernism, Theories of Nostalgia and Melancholia, Visual Activism
Ianna Hawkins Owen Dept of Gender and Women's Studies African American studies, African diaspora, queer studies
Dora Silva Santana Dept of Gender and Women's Studies black trans studies, black queer and trans feminist theory, global south epistemologies, black poets, visual culture - media - and technology
Stephen Small Dept of African American Studies public history, African diaspora in Europe, British imperialism, community-engaged research/scholarship
Henry Washington Jr. Dept of African American Studies 19th and 20th century African American literature, black intellectual history, black feminist theory, black trans theory, black visual culture and aestetics, performance theory