Research Expertise and Interest
philosophy, Kant, history and philosophy of science
Research Description
Professor Warren received his B.A. in biophysics from the University of Pennsylvania and continued his studies there in a combined M.D.-Ph.D. program, working in biophysics, and then philosophy, as well as medicine. He subsequently entered the Ph.D. program in philosophy at Harvard. He received the M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1993 and the Ph.D. in philosophy from Harvard in 1994. Professor Warren has been teaching at Berkeley since 1992. His recent work includes:
“Kant and the Apriority of Space,” Philosophical Review 107 (1998): 179-224.
Reality and Impenetrability in Kant’s Philosophy of Nature (New York: Routledge), 2001. [This is a version of my 1994 Ph.D. dissertation.]
“Kant’s Dynamics” in Kant and the Sciences, ed. Eric Watkins (Oxford University Press), 2001.
“Kant on the Balance of Attractive and Repulsive Force,” forthcoming in Historical Representations, ed. Richard Popkin and Peter Reill, Kluwer Academic Publishing.
“Kant on Inner Determinations and Things in Themselves,” under revision.
“The Development of Kant’s Views on Metaphysics in the early 1760’s,” in draft.