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contact mechanics, fracture and fatigue of engineering materials, finite element modeling of surface contact and machining, thin-film processing and characterization, adhesion and fatigue of MEMS devices, plasma-assisted surface functionalization of biomaterials, surface patterning for cell adhesion and growth control, mechanics & tribology of magnetic recording devices, microfibrous scaffolds for tissue engineering, tribology and mechanics of artificial joints, mechanical metamaterials

attosecond physics, attosecond chemistry, ultrafast spectroscopy, ultrafast laser, atomic and molecular dynamics, semiconductors, quantum materials, high harmonic generation, soft x-ray, charge transfer, charge migration, nonadiabatic dynamics, conical intersection, carrier dynamics, phonon dynamics, spin dynamics, core exciton dynamics

molten salt, graphite, advanced nuclear reactors, tritium, fusion blankets, electrochemistry, corrosion, thermodynamics, nuclear reactor safety, nuclear reactor design, nuclear reactor licensing, nuclear energy, advanced reactors, high temperature rheology, high temperature tribology, engineering ethics, ethics