Dennis Baldocchi Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management biometeorology, climate change and ecosystems, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, agricultural meteorology, ecosystem ecology, carbon cycle, evaporation, ecohydrology, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship
Kristie Boering Dept of Chemistry Dept of Earth and Planetary Science physical chemistry, climate change, atmospheric chemistry, environmental chemistry, ozone, earth and planetary science, isotopic compositions of atmospheric trace gases, stratospheric ozone, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, molecular hydrogen, methane
Ronald C. Cohen Dept of Chemistry Dept of Earth and Planetary Science climate, greenhouse gases, air pollution, atmospheric chemistry, environmental chemistry, analytical chemistry, ozone, nitrogen oxides, CO2, clouds, Atmospheric Aerosol
Allen Goldstein Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management global change, air pollution, environmental science, biogeochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, indoor air quality
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas Dept of Economics Haas School of Business economics, exchange rate, lending booms, consumption, capital flows, global imbalances, external adjustment, international prices, international portfolios, financial crises, eurozone crisis
Robert Harley Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering air pollution, atmospheric chemistry, motor vehicle emissions, ozone, sustainable transportation, air quality, emission inventory, photochemical air quality modeling
William H. Miller Dept of Chemistry theoretical chemistry, chemical dynamics, quantum mechanical and semiclassical theories, dynamical chemical processes at the molecular level, photodissociation, femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, calculations of rate constants for chemical reactions
Robert Rhew Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management Dept of Geography trace gases, biogeochemistry, stratospheric ozone depletion, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, atmospheric chemistry and composition, biogenic VOCs, terrestrial ecosystems, halocarbons, methyl halides, greenhouse gases