Polly Arnold Dept of Chemistry synthetic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, actinide, rare earth catalysis
Dennis Baldocchi Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management biometeorology, climate change and ecosystems, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, agricultural meteorology, ecosystem ecology, carbon cycle, evaporation, ecohydrology, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship
Kristie Boering Dept of Chemistry Dept of Earth and Planetary Science physical chemistry, climate change, atmospheric chemistry, environmental chemistry, ozone, earth and planetary science, isotopic compositions of atmospheric trace gases, stratospheric ozone, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, molecular hydrogen, methane
Van P. Carey Dept of Mechanical Engineering mechanical engineering, use of machine learning to develop high performance energy conversion and thermal management technologies, micro-to-nanoscale modeling of the thermophysics of multiphase systems, waste plastic transport in environmental watersheds, waste plastic recycling.
Robert Harley Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering air pollution, atmospheric chemistry, motor vehicle emissions, ozone, sustainable transportation, air quality, emission inventory, photochemical air quality modeling
Bryan D. McCloskey Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering electrochemical energy storage, electrocatalysis, molecular and ionic transport through polymers
David Savage Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology biochemistry, metabolism, photosynthetic systems, Systems and Synthetic Biology, protein engineering
Omar M. Yaghi Dept of Chemistry Reticular Chemistry, metal-organic frameworks, covalent organic frameworks, Carbon Capture, gas storage systems, water harvesting from desert air.