John Chuang Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) School of Information climate informatics, biosensory computing, brainwave authentication, information economics and policy
Youjin Chung Dept of Energy & Resources Group Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management political economy of development, historical and feminist political ecology, critical food and agrarian studies, Science and Technology studies, feminist theory, African studies, Tanzania, critical ethnography, participatory research
Paolo D'Odorico Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management hydrology, ecohydrology, water resources, Water and Society, environmental sciences, Drylands, Desertification
Terrance Odean Haas School of Business behavioral finance, investor behavior, investor overconfidence, managerial overconfidence, personal finance
Poulomi Saha Dept of English Asian American studies, critical theory, postcolonial theory, spirituality, comparative race and gender, cults
Nathan Sayre Dept of Geography climate change, endangered species, rangelands, political ecology, pastoralism, ranching, environmental history, suburbanization, human-environment interactions, environmental geography, range science and management, Southwestern US, scale, community-based conservation
Johan Walden Haas School of Business finance, asset pricing, investments, financial modeling, heavy-tailed risks, insurance