Youjin Chung Dept of Energy & Resources Group Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management political economy of development, historical and feminist political ecology, critical food and agrarian studies, Science and Technology studies, feminist theory, African studies, Tanzania, critical ethnography, participatory research
Edward Miguel Dept of Economics Africa, education, development economics, human capital, health, ethnic divisions, social capital, civil conflict, war, pre-analysis plans, water.
Amy Pickering Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering disease transmission, water, public health surveillance, zoonotic infectious disease, community-acquired antimicrobial resistance
Manisha Shah Goldman School of Public Policy applied microeconomics, international development, global health, gender
Jingshen Wang School of Public Health Precision Medicine, causal inference, adaptive experiment, machine learning and artificial intelligence
Jonathan Weigel Haas School of Business political economy, state capacity, development, corruption, taxation, religion