Marié Abe Dept of Music sound and space, ethnography, human geography, sound studies, music and social movements, affect and the body, Japanese popular performing arts, critical ocean studies, public ethnomusicology
Gerónimo Barrera de la Torre Dept of Geography geospatial representation, political economy, critical environments, social mapping, political ecology, historical and political geography, environmental history, indigenous/campesino ontologies and epistemologies, Latin American geographies, videography
Max Buchholz Dept of City & Regional Planning urban and regional economics, social and spatial inequality, urbanization, segregation, quantitative methods
Jeff Chambers Dept of Geography forests, climate change, trees, tropical forests, remote sensing, Drought, hurricanes, fires
Sharad Chari Dept of Geography geography as history of the present and as earthly/oceanic writing, social theory, political economy, development, agrarian studies, labor, racial/sexual capitalism, Black radical tradition, biopolitical struggle, oceanic studies, photography, South Asia, South Africa, Indian Ocean
Stephen Collier Dept of City & Regional Planning urban vulnerability and resilience, insurance and climate change, Soviet urban planning and post-Soviet urban and social welfare transformation, infrastructure and politics, neoliberalism and governmental rationality, emergency government in the United States
Mary Ann Doane Dept of Film and Media feminist theory, cultural theory, archaeology of media technology, film and modernity, film theory, psychoanalytic theory
Iryna Dronova Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management Dept of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning landscape ecology, remote sensing, GIS, spatial analysis, urban geography, ecosystem change, biodiversity, ecosystem services, wetlands, urban regions, landscape dynamics
Chiyuma Elliott Dept of African American Studies poetry and poetics, African American literature, intellectual history - 1920s to the present, Black Geography/Cultural Geography
Julia Fawcett Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies performance history/historiography, British performance 1650-1800, British literature 1650-1800, disability, gender, social geography, set design
Desiree Fields Dept of Geography economic geography, urban theory, financialization, digital platforms, property, geographical political economy, housing justice, digital capitalism
Paul Fine Dept of Integrative Biology speciation, plant ecology, plant evolutionary biology, floristics and phytogeography
You-tien Hsing Dept of Geography China, geography, political economy of development in East Asia, the process of international economic restructuring, cultural and institutional configuration in the processes of Taiwanese direct investment, growth in Chinese cities, business networks
Jake Kosek Dept of Geography cultural politics of nature and difference, cultural geography, Science and Technology studies, critical race theory, critical cartography, biopolitics, human and the non-human, environmental politics
Jovan Scott Lewis Dept of Geography Jamaica and the USA; constructions and infrastructures of poverty, inequality, race (blackness), economy, reparations
Lúcia Lohmann Dept of Integrative Biology ecology, evolution, biogeography, conservation, neotropical biodiversity
Jimmy A. McGuire Dept of Integrative Biology historical biogeography, evolutionary biology, Southeast Asia, population genetics, hummingbirds, functional morphology, vertebrate systematics, phylogenetic analysis, life history evolution, Bayesian methods, Southeast Asian flying lizards
Courtney Desiree Morris Dept of Gender and Women's Studies black women's social movement, state violence and authoritarianism, racial formations in Latin American, racial formations in the Caribbean, racial formations in the U.S., critical race theory, feminist and queer theory, environmental ethics, black visual culture and aestetics
Stephanie Pau Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management Dept of Geography global change ecology, biogeography, spectral ecology, remote sensing, climate change impacts on biodiversity and ecological functioning
George Roderick Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management global change, environmental science, sustainability, biodiversity, invasive species, population genomics
Daniel A. Rodríguez Dept of City & Regional Planning transportation planning, transportation policy, environmental planning, healthy cities