Eliza Brown Dept of Sociology economic sociology, gender and sexualities, medicine, reproduction, Science and Technology studies
Abby Dernburg Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology chromosome structure and function, higher order chromosome structure, cell cycle controls, chromosome remodeling and reorganization during meiosis, spatial pattern formation in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, genome mapping, eukaryotic genomes, whole-genome analysis
Paul Gertler School of Public Health Dept of Demography Haas School of Business health economics, public health, health care financing, economic development, industrial organizaition
Joshua Goldstein Dept of Demography mortality, fertility, aging, social inequality, mathematical demography, economic demography, quantitative methods, United States, Europe
Jennifer Johnson-Hanks Dept of Demography Dept of Sociology culture, population, social action, intentions, Africa, gender, fertility, marriage
Gary Karpen Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology gene expression, cell biology, chromosome structure and function, drosophila melanogaster, centromere identity and function, biophysics, condensed phases
Laura C. Nelson Dept of Gender and Women's Studies gender and medicine and politics, breast cancer in South Korea, cultural impacts of ultra-low fertility, demographic undertow, structures on cultural temporality and anti-poverty policies in the U.S. and South Korea
Jenna Nobles Dept of Demography human populations, migration, fertility and fecundity, environmental change