David Anthoff Dept of Energy & Resources Group environmental economics, climate policy, integrated assessment models
Benjamin Wong Blonder Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management climate change, science education
Timothy Bowles Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management agroecology, soil ecology, biogeochemistry, plan-soil-microbe interactions
Tamma Carleton Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics environmental and resource economics, remote sensing, climate change, water resources, health effects of air pollution
Youjin Chung Dept of Energy & Resources Group Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management political economy of development, historical and feminist political ecology, critical food and agrarian studies, Science and Technology studies, feminist theory, African studies, Tanzania, critical ethnography, participatory research
William Collins Dept of Earth and Planetary Science climate change, uncertainty of extremes, climate modeling, coupled models of the climate system, global climate models, solar and terrestrial radiation
Kurt M. Cuffey Dept of Earth and Planetary Science Dept of Geography continuum mechanics, climate, geomorphology, glaciers, glaciology, climate history, stable isotopes, geographical thought
Richard S. Dodd Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management environmental policy, environmental science, policy & management, forestry, wildlife, plant biology
Britt Koskella Dept of Integrative Biology Bacteriophage, Microbiome, plant-pathogen interactions, disease ecology
Patricia Lang Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology plant climate change adaptation, historical functional genomics, plant development
Arthur Middleton Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management wildlife, biodiversity, ecology, conservation
Megan Mills-Novoa Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management climate change adaption, energy transitions, political ecology of global change, critical development studies, water justice, participatory mixed methods, Latin America
Jenna Nobles Dept of Demography human populations, migration, fertility and fecundity, environmental change
Sugata Ray Dept of History of Art Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies climate change, early modern, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean, art history, environment, globalization, ecology, Eco Art History, global art history
Carolina Reid Dept of City & Regional Planning Affordable housing, homelessness, access to credit, community development, the Community Reinvestment Act, neighborhood change, homeownership and mortgage finance (with a focus on low-income and minority households)
Justin Remais School of Public Health Infectious disease dynamics, methodological issues in infectious disease surveillance, infectious diseases, infectious disease epidemiology, global environmental change, climate change, global change, urbanization, mathematical modeling, computational modeling
Caroline Williams Dept of Integrative Biology evolution, physiology, ecophysiology, metabolism, insect, winter, adaptation, thermal biology