Research Expertise and Interest
finance, asset pricing, investments, financial modeling, heavy-tailed risks, insurance
Research Description
Johan Walden is a financial economist and expert on risk analysis and financial and insurance markets, with a particular focus on portfolio risk diversification and risk regulation. His research also covers networks in capital markets. Professor Walden holds the Mitsubishi Bank Chair in International Business and Finance at Berkeley Haas, where he also serves as Finance Group Chair and Distinguished Teaching Fellow. He regularly teaches MFE, Ph.D., MBA, and executive education courses covering topics in finance, asset pricing, and financial engineering. He has served as a visiting scholar at other top universities, including NYU’s Stern School of Business, UCLA’s Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, Oxford University, Stockholm School of Economics, and INSEAD.
In the News
Haas professors find new “Basel III” banking standards offer mortgage reform lessons for U.S.
The new regulatory banking standards called “Basel III” slightly decrease but do not eliminate systemic risk in the banking system, according to research by Haas School of Business professors Dwight Jaffee and Johan Walden.