Tracy Becker Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering advanced structural systems, structural dynamics, structural design, earthquake engineering, isolation and other high performance systems, use of novel materials in design
Luis Ceferino Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering multi-hazard risk analysis, reliability of critical infrastructure systems, climate adaptation and disaster resilience, structural engineering, extreme event modeling
Matthew DeJong Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering earthquake engineering, structural dynamics, infrastructure, soil/structure interaction, monitoring, heritage conservation, masonry structures
Filip C. Filippou Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering nonlinear analysis of structures, finite element analysis, seismic response simulation, seismic evaluation of structures by computer analysis
Jack P. Moehle Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering earthquake engineering, structural engineering, reinforced concrete, performance-based earthquake engineering, high-rise buildings, lifeline systems, rehabilitation (retrofitting), laboratory testing
Khalid M. Mosalam Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering bridges, concrete and masonry structures, damage mechanics, earthquake engineering, fracture mechanics, machine learning
Eyitayo Opabola Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering resilience, Durability, & Sustainability of civil infrastructure systems, Climate change impact, Multihazard risk, community resilience, Adaptive climate risk mitigation
Claudia P. Ostertag Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering energy, environmental analysis of civil infrastructure systems, structural engineering, mechanics and materials
Panayiotis Papadopoulos Dept of Mechanical Engineering continuum mechanics, computational mechanics, contact mechanics, computational plasticity, materials modeling, solid mechanics, applied mathematics, dynamics of pseudo-rigid bodies
Simon Schleicher Dept of Architecture biomimetics, structural engineering, architectural design, 3D printing, 3D scanning, digital fabrication, fabrication, composite structures, finite element analysis, parametric design, bio-inspired structures, robotics manufacturing, robotics
Ziqi Wang Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering structural engineering, mechanics and materials, structural reliability, earthquake engineering, uncertainty quantification