Mark Anderson Dept of Architecture architecture, building design, BIM, integrated project delivery, building construction, school design, housing design, net zero energy desig, nurban design, building integrated modeling, IPD, design-build, prefabricated, modular, architecture in China, architecture in Japan, urban water
Diliana Angelova Dept of History Dept of History of Art late antique art, Byzantine art, gender, representations of Roman imperial power, the emperor Constantine, the Virgin Mary, Roman art and visual culture, ancient Mediterranean cities, textiles, ivories, mythology in Byzantine art, romantic love in antiquity and the middle ages
Andrew Barshay Dept of History social thought, social sciences in modern Japan, marxism, Japanese history, Japanese-Russian relations
Déborah A. Blocker Dept of French Early modern French and Italian literature, history and culture, Comparative literature cultural studies, Social and political history of literature, aesthetics, philology, Rare Books and Manuscripts, Archival Studies
Rizvana Bradley Dept of Film and Media aesthetic theory, art history, black studies, contemporary art, contemporary film theory, critical theory, moving image installation, postcolonial studies, race and the philosophy of media
Anna Livia Brand Dept of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning urban planning, urban design, community development, environmental planning, racial geographies, race and urban development, citizen participation
William M Burton Dept of French French literature, gender, sexuality, intellectual history, translation studies, Quebec studies, feminism
Luisa Caldas Dept of Architecture virtual and augmented reality for building design and simulation, net zero energy and sustainable design, parametric and generative design systems for sustainable architecture, daylighting, daylighting in buildings, housing solutions for the developing world and refugee camps
Greg Castillo Dept of Architecture Cold war history, California Counterculture, History of Exhibitions, Architectural history, Indigenous Australian art, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership
Alvin Cheung Division of Computer Science (EECS) program analysis, program synthesis, database application performance, big systems, big data, database management, database management systems, database design and construction, programming languages and compilers, programming languages
Stephen Collier Dept of City & Regional Planning urban vulnerability and resilience, insurance and climate change, Soviet urban planning and post-Soviet urban and social welfare transformation, infrastructure and politics, neoliberalism and governmental rationality, emergency government in the United States
Mary Comerio Dept of Architecture disaster recovery, housing impacts in disasters, loss modeling, performance based design
Steven Conolly Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) instrumentation, medical imaging reconstruction, contrast, MRI, Magnetic Particle Imaging
Kurt M. Cuffey Dept of Earth and Planetary Science Dept of Geography continuum mechanics, climate, geomorphology, glaciers, glaciology, climate history, stable isotopes, geographical thought
Matthew B. Francis Dept of Chemistry materials chemistry, drug delivery, organic chemistry, Protein modification, artificial photosynthesis, water purification
Robert J. Full Dept of Integrative Biology energetics, comparative biomechanics, arthropod, adhesion, comparative physiology, locomotion, neuromechanics, biomimicry, biological inspiration, reptile, gecko, amphibian, robots, artificial muscles
Andrew Garrett Dept of Linguistics linguistics, language change, Indo-European languages, historical linguistics, Indigenous California languages, Indigenous language revitalization
Heather Gray Dept of Physics particle physics, machine learning, algorithms, quantum algorithms, general purpose computation on the GPU (GPGPU)
Lawrence Hall Dept of Physics physics, standard model of particle physics, symmetries of nature, the symmetry of the electroweak interaction, spacetime symmetries: weak scale supersymmetry, constrained theories for the quark and charged lepton masses, supersymmetric theory
Ricarda Hammer Dept of Sociology anticolonial politics, empire, racism, global and transnational sociology, historical sociology, social theory
Timothy Hampton Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of French culture, politics, English, comparative literature, popular music, history of emotion, French, renaissance and early modern European culture, the romance languages, the ideology of literary genre, the literary construction of nationhood, the rhetoric of historiography
Ian F. Haney Lopez School of Law constitutional law, race relations, civil rights, race in politics, Latinos
Carole S. Hickman Dept of Integrative Biology systematics, evolutionary paleobiology, morphology, molluscs, macroevolutionary trends and patterns, Cenozoic Era, fossil record, evolutionary history and structure
Ian Holmes Dept of Bioengineering computational biology, molecular evolution, computational genomics, Systems and Synthetic Biology