Research Expertise and Interest
ethics, moral philosophy, philosophy
Research Description
R. Jay Wallace works in moral philosophy. His interests extend to all parts of the subject (including its history), and to such allied areas as political philosophy, philosophy of law, and philosophy of action. His research has focused on responsibility, moral psychology, normative ethics, and the theory of practical reason. Recently he has written on promising, normativity, constructivism, resentment, hypocrisy, love, regret, affirmation, obligation, and anger (among other topics). He was an undergraduate at Williams College, where he received the B.A. degree in 1979. He did his graduate work at the University of Oxford (B.Phil. 1983) and at Princeton University (Ph.D. 1988). His publications include Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments (Harvard), Normativity and the Will (Oxford), The View from Here: On Affirmation, Attachment, and the Limits of Regret (Oxford), and The Moral Nexus (Princeton).
In the News
Six faculty elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Five professors win Guggenheims
Five Berkeley professors have been named 2010 Guggenheim fellows, an award conferred for "achievement and exceptional promise."