Roy L. Caldwell Dept of Integrative Biology ecology, evolution, Invertebrates, animal behavior, behavioral ecology, marine biology, stomatopods, crustaceans, cephalopods, octopus, mating systems, communication, sensory ecology, aggressive behavior, coral reef restoration
Damian Elias Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management animal behavior, behavioral ecology, animal communication, neuroethology, sensory systems
Lance Kriegsfeld Dept of Integrative Biology Dept of Psychology Dept of Neuroscience Neuroendocrinology, NeuroendocrinologyCircadian Biology, cognition, mental health, Neuroimmunology, animal behavior
Daniel Rokhsar Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology genetics and genomics, evolution of animals, genetic diversity in animals and plants
Christopher Schell Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management behavioral ecology, urban ecology, One Health, social-ecological dynamics, environmental justice
Frederic Theunissen Dept of Integrative Biology Dept of Neuroscience behavior, cognition, brain, psychology, birdsong, vocal learning, audition, neurophysiology, speech perception, computational neuroscience, theoretical neuroscience