Kirk Bansak Dept of Political Science causal inference, experimental design and analysis, algorithmic decision-making, refugee resettlement and asylum politics, public opinion, survey methodology
Stephanie L Canizales Dept of Sociology international migration, immigrant integration, inequality and mobility, qualitative methods, children-youth-and families
Cybelle Fox Dept of Sociology historical sociology, American welfare state, race and ethnic relations, immigration policy
Hidetaka Hirota Dept of History US immigration history, American immigration law and policy, Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 19th century United States, Asian American history, U.S. and the world, Global Migration, Transnational History
Marika Landau-Wells Dept of Political Science political psychology, conflict, national security, public opinion, foreign policy
Kristina Lovato School of Social Welfare immigration policy, child welfare, Latinx populations, culturally responsive service delivery
Caitlin Patler Goldman School of Public Policy US immigration and criminal laws, immigration, immigration detention, legal statuses, maternal and child health, history of immigration in U.S., population health with focus on social determinants of health
Steven Raphael Goldman School of Public Policy crime, public policy, employment discrimination, labor economics, racial inequality, urban economics, and criminal justice policy