Research Expertise and Interest
visual perception, face processing, comparative neuroanatomy, development, translational applications for patient populations
Research Description
The over-arching goal of the research group works toward building mechanistic models explaining how brain structure and function contribute to measurable behaviors. They implement a multi-modal approach of anatomical measurements in living and post-mortem individuals across spatial scales to compare to functional measurements in humans (typically high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging). Presently, they have focused on high-level visual cortex (specifically the fusiform gyrus) and face perception as a model structure and a model behavior. Moving forward, they aim to implement our approach to additional brain structures and behaviors. They have also begun to lay a foundation for translational applications of their neurimaging techniques in patient populations. Additionally, they are interested in data sharing, open science, science communication, comparative neuroanatomy across species, and the history of neuroscience.