Gül Dölen Dept of Neuroscience Dept of Psychology behavioral and systems neuroscience, psychedelics, critical periods, octopus, social behavior, evolution, synaptic plasticity, extracellular matrix, oxytocin and stroke, Fragile X, autism, PTSD, addiction
William Dow Dept of Demography School of Public Health health economics, global health, economic demography
Anca Dragan Division of Computer Science (EECS) robotics, human-robot interaction, human-compatible artificial intelligence
Alejandra Echeverri Ochoa Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management conservation science, neotropical biodiversity, conservation psychology, community ecology, cultural values of nature, women/Latinx in STEM
Michael B. Eisen Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology genomics, genome sequencing, bioinformatics, animal development
Damian Elias Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management animal behavior, behavioral ecology, animal communication, neuroethology, sensory systems
Jan Engelmann Dept of Psychology developmental psychology, comparative psychology, cross-cultural psychology
Joel Fajans Dept of Physics astrophysics, plasma processing, physics, basic plasma physics, non-neutral plasmas, basic plasma physics experiments, pure electron plasma traps, cyrogenic plasmas, plasma bifurcations, basic non-linear dynamics, autoresonance
Roger Falcone Dept of Physics physics, lasers, x-rays, plasma physics, materials, atomic physics, ultrafast science
Anastassia Fedyk Haas School of Business finance, behavioral economics, labor and finance, role of information technology in financial markets
Aaron Fisher Dept of Psychology Idiographic Science, Group-to-Individual Generalizability, Personalization, EMA, Time Series, physiology, Methods and Statistics
David Foster Dept of Neuroscience behavioral neurophysiology of spatial learning and memory, hippocampus replay, computational models of reinforcement learning and navigationf
Marion Fourcade Dept of Sociology culture, social theory, political sociology, economic sociology, comparative methods, knowledge and science
Cybelle Fox Dept of Sociology historical sociology, American welfare state, race and ethnic relations, immigration policy
Robert J. Full Dept of Integrative Biology energetics, comparative biomechanics, arthropod, adhesion, comparative physiology, locomotion, neuromechanics, biomimicry, biological inspiration, reptile, gecko, amphibian, robots, artificial muscles
Bruce Fuller School of Education policy analysis and evaluation, reform issues, charter schools, child care, early childhood development, economy and education
Eileen D. Gambrill School of Social Welfare social welfare, professional ethics and education, social learning theory, behavioral methods
Joshua Gang Dept of English 20th-Century Irish and British literature, literature and philosophy, 20th century literature, history of literary theory, the novel, literature and the sciences of mind, close reading, philosophy of literature, philosophy of mind, moral philosophy
Rachel Gershon Haas School of Business consumer judgements and choice, impression management, incentives, prosocial behavior, word of mouth, social consumption, corporate social responsibility
Karine Gibbs Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology microbiology, microbial development, microbial development; molecular genetics, biochemistry, biochemistry; molecular genetics; cell biology, microbial social behaviors, bacterial communities / microbiomes, collective behaviors
Andrea Gomez Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology neurobiology, RNA splicing, synaptic plasticity, psychedelic biology, electrophysiology, two-photon imaging, molecular genetics, molecular biology