Sonia Katyal School of Law artificial intelligence, law and technology, intellectual property law, contemporary art and law, gender and sexuality
Orin Kerr School of Law criminal procedure, computer crime law, surveillance technologies, fourth amendment, information privacy law
Zachary Lamb Dept of City & Regional Planning urban spatial politics, ecological design, environmental hazards of climate change, Affordable housing, shared equity housing, manufactured housing, adaptation to flooding
Peter S. Menell School of Law intellectual property, property law, environmental law & policy, entertainment law, law and economics, federal courts
Robert P. Merges School of Law antitrust, intellectual property, property rights, patent law, law and economics, copyright law, digital content, online contracts
Tejas Narechania School of Law administrative law, antitrust, artificial intelligence, intellectual property, law and technology, privacy and cybersecurity, telecommunications law, internet technology
Benjamin Porter Dept of Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures archaeology, Near Eastern archaeology, Middle East, Arid Environments, anthropology, Heritage, tourism, and Museum Studies
Lisa A. Pruitt Dept of Mechanical Engineering tissue biomechanics, biomaterial science, fatigue and fracture micromechanisms, orthopedic polymers for total joint replacement, synthetic cartilage
Isha Ray Dept of Energy & Resources Group Water and development; Sanitation and development; gender; technology and society
Daniel A. Rodríguez Dept of City & Regional Planning transportation planning, transportation policy, environmental planning, healthy cities
Elisabeth Sadoulet Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics economics, agriculture, labor management & policy
Pamela Samuelson Dept of African American Studies public policy, intellectual property law, new information technologies, traditional legal regimes, information management, copyright, software protection and cyberlaw, AI govenance
David Teece Haas School of Business innovation, strategic management, competitive performance of firms in the global marketplace, organization of industry, innovation strategy, technology policy, antitrust policy, intellectual property
T. Don Tilley Dept of Chemistry inorganic, organometallic, polymer and materials chemistry, transition metal compounds, catalysis, new chemical transformations, advanced solid state materials, renewable energy, solar fuels
Jennifer Urban School of Law intellectual property, privacy, copyright, artists' rights, free expression, notice and takedown, free and open source licensing, defensive patent licensing, DMCA, patent, how technical and policy design affect privacy and other social values
Bryan Wagner Dept of English community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership, community-based research partnerships
Rebecca Wexler School of Law evidence law, criminal procedure, privacy, intellectual property protection
Winnie Wong Dept of Rhetoric art and law; modern and contemporary art; Chinese art; Qing empire; Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta
John Wright Division of Computer Science (EECS) quantum state learning, quantum complexity theory, property testing, approximation algorithms
Xiaoyu (Rayne) Zheng Dept of Materials Science and Engineering additive manufacturing, metamaterials, robotics, antenna, artificial intelligence