Lawrence Hall Dept of Physics physics, standard model of particle physics, symmetries of nature, the symmetry of the electroweak interaction, spacetime symmetries: weak scale supersymmetry, constrained theories for the quark and charged lepton masses, supersymmetric theory
Shimon Kolkowitz Dept of Physics precision measurements, nanoscale sensing, precision metrology, timekeeping, tests of relativity, quantum sensing, quantum
Jeffrey R. Long Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Dept of Chemistry inorganic and materials chemistry, synthesis of inorganic molecules and higher dimensional solids, precise tailoring of chemical and physical properties, gas storage, molecular separations and catalysis in porous materials, magnetic and conductive materials
Chung-Pei Ma Dept of Astronomy Dept of Physics astrophysics, black hole, dark matter, cosmology, formation and evolution of galaxies, cosmic microwave background radiation
Daniel McKinsey Dept of Physics dark matter, noble gases, cryogenics, high voltages, particle physics, astrophysics, low temperature physics, detector physics, neutrinos
George F. Smoot Dept of Physics cosmology, physics, astrophysics experiments, observational astrophysics, observing our galaxy, the cosmic background radiation, ground-based radio-telescope observations, balloon-borne instrumentation, satellite experiments, the NASA cosmic background
Karl van Bibber Dept of Nuclear Engineering Particle Astrophysics, experimental nuclear physics, Accelerator Technology and Neutron Sources
Dan Weisz Dept of Astronomy observational astrophysics, galaxies, stars, cosmology, early Universe, dark matter