Yuan Cao Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) physical electronics, micro/nano electro mechanical systems, physics
Roger Falcone Dept of Physics physics, lasers, x-rays, plasma physics, materials, atomic physics, ultrafast science
Alex Filippenko Dept of Astronomy supernovae, active galaxies, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, expansion of the universe
Reinhard Genzel Dept of Physics physics, existence and formation of black holes in galactic nuclei, the nature of the power source, the evolution of (ultra)luminous infrared galaxies, gas dynamics, the fueling of active galactic nuclei, the properties evolution of starburst galaxies
Wick Haxton Dept of Physics astrophysics, neutrino physics, nuclear astrophysics, tests of symmetries and conservation laws in nuclear and particle and atomic physics, many-body theory, effective theories
Jessica Lu Dept of Astronomy black holes, star and cluster formation, galactic centers, adaptive optics, astronomy, instrumentation, infrared instrumentation, astrometry
Raffaella Margutti Dept of Astronomy Dept of Physics astrophysics, compact object mergers, core-collapse supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, Neutron Stars, radio astronomy, space astrophysics, stellar evolution, supernova shockwaves, supernovae, tidal disruption events
Dan Weisz Dept of Astronomy observational astrophysics, galaxies, stars, cosmology, early Universe, dark matter