Mel Y Chen Dept of Gender and Women's Studies queer and feminist theory, disability theory, critical animal studies, materiality studies, cultural politics of race and sexuality and ability and immigration, critical linguistics, paradigms of inter and transdisciplinarity
Marvin L. Cohen Dept of Physics nanoscience, semiconductors, nanotechnology, physics, condensed matter physics, new properties of condensed matter systems, superconductivity, applications of BCS theory, superluminal velocities
William Holzapfel Dept of Physics cosmology, physics, measurement and interpretation of anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background, the universe, density of energy, baryonic matter in the universe, the degree angular scale interferometer, the arcminute cosmology bolometer array
Alexander Katz Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering chemical engineering, nanoengineering, catalytic imprinted silicas, catalysts in biological systems, catalysis, chemical sensing
Arash Komeili Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology microbiology, Biomineralization, bacterial organelles, Magnetic Nanoparticles
Steven Louie Dept of Physics nanoscience, nuclear magnetic resonance, semiconductors, metals, physics, fullerenes, nanotubes, condensed matter theory, surfaces, defects, nanostructure materials, clusters, many-electron effects in solids
Jessica Lu Dept of Astronomy black holes, star and cluster formation, galactic centers, adaptive optics, astronomy, instrumentation, infrared instrumentation, astrometry
William H. Miller Dept of Chemistry theoretical chemistry, chemical dynamics, quantum mechanical and semiclassical theories, dynamical chemical processes at the molecular level, photodissociation, femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, calculations of rate constants for chemical reactions
Daniel M. Neumark Dept of Chemistry physical chemistry, molecular structure and dynamics, spectroscopy and dynamics of transition states, radicals, and clusters, frequency and time-domain techniques, state-resolved photodissociation, photodetachment of negative ion beams
Kenneth N. Raymond Dept of Chemistry chemistry, bacteria, bioinorganic chemistry, biophysical chemistry, coordination, design of specific chelating agents for metal ions, human iron storage and transport proteins, low-molecular weight chelating agents, metals in medicine, metal-ligands
George F. Smoot Dept of Physics cosmology, physics, astrophysics experiments, observational astrophysics, observing our galaxy, the cosmic background radiation, ground-based radio-telescope observations, balloon-borne instrumentation, satellite experiments, the NASA cosmic background
Omar M. Yaghi Dept of Chemistry Reticular Chemistry, metal-organic frameworks, covalent organic frameworks, Carbon Capture, gas storage systems, water harvesting from desert air.