Research Expertise and Interest
Multi-level determinants of racial/ethnic health disparities, neighborhood environments and cardiovascular health, breast cancer treatment and survivorship Methods in social epidemiology, population health
Research Description
Mahasin Mujahid is the Lillian E. I. and Dudley J. Aldous Chair in the School of Public Health and Chair of the Epidemiology Division. Dr. Mujahid’s current research examines how features of neighborhood environments impact cardiovascular health and health disparities. Using data from several U.S. based cardiovascular cohorts, Dr. Mujahid seeks to improve the measurement of specific features of neighborhood physical and social environments and use state of the art statistical methods to estimate “causal” neighborhood health effects. In related research, Dr. Mujahid seeks to understand the multi-level and multi-factorial determinants of the clustering of cardiovascular risk factors (obesity, diabetes, hypertension) in racial/ethnic minorities and the consequences of this clustering on the long-term cardiovascular health of these groups.