Georjana Barnes Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology biochemistry, genetics, cancer, biology, microtubule cytoskeleton, cell cycle controls, cellular imaging
Daryl C. Chrzan Dept of Materials Science and Engineering materials science and engineering, computational materials science, metals and metallic compounds, defects in solids, growth of nanostructures
Abby Dernburg Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology chromosome structure and function, higher order chromosome structure, cell cycle controls, chromosome remodeling and reorganization during meiosis, spatial pattern formation in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, genome mapping, eukaryotic genomes, whole-genome analysis
David Drubin Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology cellular morphogenesis, plasma membrane dynamics, microtubule cytoskeletons, cytoskeletal proteins, morphological development
Grace Gu Dept of Mechanical Engineering Composites, additive manufacturing, in-situ monitoring and process control, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and bioinspired materials
Rebecca W. Heald Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology cell division, Xenopus, mitotic spindle assembly and function, size control of intracellular structures
Gary Karpen Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology gene expression, cell biology, chromosome structure and function, drosophila melanogaster, centromere identity and function, biophysics, condensed phases
Shimon Kolkowitz Dept of Physics precision measurements, nanoscale sensing, precision metrology, timekeeping, tests of relativity, quantum sensing, quantum
Douglas Koshland Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology higher order chromosome structure, genome integrity, sister chromatid cohesion, chromosome condensation, desiccation tolerance, microbial genetics
Samantha Lewis Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology mitochondrial biogenesis, mitochondrial genome inheritance, organelle assembly, DNA replication, cell metabolism, interactions between membrane-bound organelles
Steven Louie Dept of Physics nanoscience, nuclear magnetic resonance, semiconductors, metals, physics, fullerenes, nanotubes, condensed matter theory, surfaces, defects, nanostructure materials, clusters, many-electron effects in solids
James Nuñez Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology genetics, epigenetics, CRISPR-based genome and epigenome editing
Barry Shane Dept of Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology health and nutrition, nutritional sciences and toxicology, birth defects, nutritional genomics