Barbara Meyer Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology cell fate determination, chromosome architecture, developmental biology, gene expression, genetic determination of sex, regulatory genes, chromosome dynamics, X-chromosome
Hitoshi Murayama Dept of Physics physics, particle physics, the universe, fundamental constituents of matter, Higgs boson, anti-matter, neutrino oscillations, finite value of the cosmological constant, triple coincidence of energy densities
Eva Nogales Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology cryo-EM, biochemistry, complex biological assemblies, structure and regulation of the cytoskeleton, microtubule dynamics, human transcriptional initiation machinery, epigenetics, gene silencing, biophysics
Ramamoorthy Ramesh Dept of Materials Science and Engineering Dept of Physics Atomic-scale synthesis of complex oxide heterostructures, 2D materials, spin-charge coupling, polar and magnetic topologies, electron microscopy, piezoforce microscopy, NV magnetometry, materials processing for devices, energy efficient electronics(12634)
Sayeef Salahuddin Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) physical electronics, design and modeling and analysis, energy, scientific computing
Kimberley Seed Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology interactions between bacteria and their viral predators
Mary Ann Smart Dept of Music opera and politics, music and data, music and language, theater, gender, opera, performance, singers, voice, staging of opera, 19th-century music, 19th-century Italy
Shannon Steen Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies critical race theory, performance theory, American studies, U.S. histories of popular performance, U.S. urban development, globalization studies
Joan Walker Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering behavioral modeling, discrete choice analysis, travel behavior
K. Birgitta Whaley Dept of Chemistry quantum information and quantum computation, control and simulation of complex quantum systems, quantum effects in biological systems, quantum physics, quantum mechanics
Qiang Zhou Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology biochemistry of HIV gene expression, transcriptional elongation, Tat activation, stage of transcriptional elongation, HIV replication, anti-HIV therapy