Dhammika Dharmapala School of Law corporate finance and securities regulation, law and economics, tax law and policy
Ahmad Diab Dept of Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures Arabic literature, translation studies, Arabic philology, postcolonial studies, linguistics, Middle Eastern Cinema
Peng Ding Dept of Statistics Statistical causal inference, missing data, Bayesian statistics, applied statistics
Andrea A. diSessa School of Education education, cognition, conceptual development, science education, design of technology for education, computational literacies
Mary Ann Doane Dept of Film and Media feminist theory, cultural theory, archaeology of media technology, film and modernity, film theory, psychoanalytic theory
Richard S. Dodd Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management environmental policy, environmental science, policy & management, forestry, wildlife, plant biology
Gül Dölen Dept of Neuroscience Dept of Psychology behavioral and systems neuroscience, psychedelics, critical periods, octopus, social behavior, evolution, synaptic plasticity, extracellular matrix, oxytocin and stroke, Fragile X, autism, PTSD, addiction
Jennifer A. Doudna Dept of Chemistry Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology RNA machines, hepatitis C virus, RNA interference, ribosomes, x-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing
Madison Douglas Dept of Earth and Planetary Science landscape evolution, permafrost environments, periglacial geomorphology, Earth's surface, sediment transport
William Dow Dept of Demography School of Public Health health economics, global health, economic demography
Anca Dragan Division of Computer Science (EECS) robotics, human-robot interaction, human-compatible artificial intelligence
Douglas Dreger Dept of Earth and Planetary Science wave propagation, Inverse theory, geophysics, Earthquake strong ground motion, Seismic source modeling, Seismic forensics, Nuclear explosion monitoring, Induced seismicity, Volcanic seismicity
Iryna Dronova Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management Dept of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning landscape ecology, remote sensing, GIS, spatial analysis, urban geography, ecosystem change, biodiversity, ecosystem services, wetlands, urban regions, landscape dynamics
David Drubin Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology cellular morphogenesis, plasma membrane dynamics, microtubule cytoskeletons, cytoskeletal proteins, morphological development
Oscar Dubon Dept of Materials Science and Engineering magnetic, optical materials, processing, properties in electronic
Robert Dudley Dept of Integrative Biology metabolism, biomechanics, butterflies, energetics, flight, gliding, hummingbirds, insects, paleophysiology
Sandrine Dudoit School of Public Health Dept of Statistics statistics, machine learning, data science, applied statistics, statistical computing, computational biology, computational genomics, Precision Medicine, precision health
Thad Dunning Dept of Political Science political economy, ethnic politics, comparative clientelism in developing countries, research design, causal inference, statistical methods, multi-method research
Sunil Dutta Haas School of Business accrual accounting information, managerial performance measures, firms' disclosure policies, disclosure policies' valuation in capital markets
Federico Echenique Dept of Economics economic theory, economics and computation, mathematical economics, discrete allocation problems
Alejandra Echeverri Ochoa Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management conservation science, neotropical biodiversity, conservation psychology, community ecology, cultural values of nature, women/Latinx in STEM