Raphael Bousso Dept of Physics physics, quantum mechanics, gravity, unified description of nature, string theory, quantum properties of black holes, the geometry of spacetime, covariant entropy bound, cosmological constant
Lawrence Hall Dept of Physics physics, standard model of particle physics, symmetries of nature, the symmetry of the electroweak interaction, spacetime symmetries: weak scale supersymmetry, constrained theories for the quark and charged lepton masses, supersymmetric theory
Petr Horava Dept of Physics cosmology, physics, quantum geometry, particle physics, string (and M-) theory, quantum gravity
Yury Kolomensky Dept of Physics particle physics, precision measurements, electroweak interactions, neutrino physics, QCD, BaBar, E158, CUORE, Mu2e
Eric Yue Ma Dept of Physics atomic, molecular and optical physics, condensed matter physics and materials science
Philip Marcus Dept of Mechanical Engineering algorithms, fluid mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, atmospheric flows, convection, ocean flows, numerical analysis, wind energy, Bayesian optimization, neural networks, turbulence, planet formation, internal gravity waves, inertial waves, desalination, protoplanetary disks
Raffaella Margutti Dept of Astronomy Dept of Physics astrophysics, compact object mergers, core-collapse supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, Neutron Stars, radio astronomy, space astrophysics, stellar evolution, supernova shockwaves, supernovae, tidal disruption events
Holger Mueller Dept of Physics atomic, molecular, and optical physics, advanced electron microscopy, cryo-EM
Yasunori Nomura Dept of Physics quantum gravity, cosmology, Theoretical Particle Physics, quantum information