Edward Arens Dept of Architecture indoor environment, thermal comfort, occupant surveys, building environmental control, ventilation, wind, architectural aerodynamics
Dennis Baldocchi Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management biometeorology, climate change and ecosystems, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, agricultural meteorology, ecosystem ecology, carbon cycle, evaporation, ecohydrology, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship
Stuart Bale Dept of Physics experimental space physics, plasma astrophysics, solar physics, low frequency radio astronomy
Brian A. Barsky Division of Computer Science (EECS) School of Optometry computer science, geometric design and modeling, computer graphics, computer aided cornea modeling and visualization, medical imaging, virtual environments for surgical simulation
James K. B. Bishop Dept of Earth and Planetary Science ocean carbon cycle dynamics, remote sensing, aquatic chemistry, marine biogeochemistry, land - ocean biogeochemistry, chemical oceanography, ocean sensors and autonomous observing systems, Carbon Explorer, Carbon Flux Explorer
Jeffrey Bokor Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) nanoscience, electrical engineering, nanoelectronics
Roger Falcone Dept of Physics physics, lasers, x-rays, plasma physics, materials, atomic physics, ultrafast science
Alex Filippenko Dept of Astronomy supernovae, active galaxies, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, expansion of the universe
Felix Raoul Fischer Dept of Chemistry Organic and Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Molecular Electronics, Scanning Probe Microscopy, Graphene Nanomaterials
Reinhard Genzel Dept of Physics physics, existence and formation of black holes in galactic nuclei, the nature of the power source, the evolution of (ultra)luminous infrared galaxies, gas dynamics, the fueling of active galactic nuclei, the properties evolution of starburst galaxies
Joseph Gonzalez Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, database management systems
Marta Gonzalez Dept of City & Regional Planning Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering human mobility, network science, complex systems, urban science, spending behavior, urban vulnerability and resilience, climate change
Grace Gu Dept of Mechanical Engineering Composites, additive manufacturing, in-situ monitoring and process control, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and bioinspired materials
Kristin Hanson Dept of English linguistics, English, poetry, meter, rhyme, and alliteration, textsetting, phonological theory, English grammar and usage
William Holzapfel Dept of Physics cosmology, physics, measurement and interpretation of anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background, the universe, density of energy, baryonic matter in the universe, the degree angular scale interferometer, the arcminute cosmology bolometer array
Alan Hubbard School of Public Health causal inference, targeted learning, statistical issues in epidemiology, precision medicine and public health
Jessica Lu Dept of Astronomy black holes, star and cluster formation, galactic centers, adaptive optics, astronomy, instrumentation, infrared instrumentation, astrometry
Kam-Biu Luk Dept of Physics physics, particle physics, neutrino oscillation, neutrino mixing parameters, nuclear instrumentation, data mining, neutrino physics
Kristine Madsen School of Public Health health disparities, children, schools, policy, nutrition, physical activity, obesity, accelerometers, physical education
Lisa Maher Dept of Anthropology archaeology, hunter-gatherers, prehistory, geoarchaeology, landscape use, stone tools technology, emergence of social complexity, ancient technology
Thomas Maimone Dept of Chemistry organic synthesis, total synthesis, natural products chemistry, catalysis, synthetic methodology, medicinal chemistry, organic chemistry, drug discovery