Martin P. Head-Gordon Dept of Chemistry theoretical chemistry, electronic structure calculations, development of novel theories and algorithms, quantum mechanics
Todd Hickey Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies classics, papyrology, Greek, Egyptian, social and economic history, late antiquity
William Holzapfel Dept of Physics cosmology, physics, measurement and interpretation of anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background, the universe, density of energy, baryonic matter in the universe, the degree angular scale interferometer, the arcminute cosmology bolometer array
Maryam Hosseini Dept of City & Regional Planning computer vision, pedestrian mobility, urban accessibility, walkability
Ali Javey Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) nanotechnology, low power electronics, flexible electronics and sensors, nanofabrication, energy harvesting and conversion, programmable matter
Victoria Kahn Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of English rhetoric, comparative literature, Renaissance literature, poetics, early modern political theory, the Frankfurt School
Daniel Kammen Dept of Energy & Resources Group Dept of Nuclear Engineering Goldman School of Public Policy public policy, nuclear engineering, energy, resources, risk analysis as applied to global warming, methodological studies of forecasting, hazard assessment, renewable energy technologies, environmental resource management
Dacher Keltner Dept of Psychology culture, conflict, behavior, love, psychology, emotion, social interaction, individual differences in emotion, negotiation, embarrassment, desire, juvenile delinquency, laughter, anger, social perception, negotiating morality
Kurt Keutzer Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) computationally efficient machine learning and deep learning, AI
G. Mathias Kondolf Dept of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning environmental planning, fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, flood risk management, river restoration, urban rivers, environmental impact assessment, river corridor management, sediment management, hydropower, strategic dam planning, integrating energy planning and river management
Dimitrios Konstantinidis Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering structural dynamics, earthquake engineering, nonstructural components, seismic isolation, passive control, engineering mechanics
Laura Kray Haas School of Business gender, negotiations, stereotypes, decision making, mindsets, motivated cognition
SanSan Kwan Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies dance studies, performance studies, Asian American studies
Nicholas Laluk Dept of Anthropology decolonization, indigenization, indigenous methodologies, tribal sovereignty-driven research, Indigenous Archaeologies, Southwest U.S.
Javad Lavaei Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research control theory, optimization, power systems
Long Le-Khac Dept of Ethnic Studies relational race studies, literatures of Asian Americans and Latinxs
William A. Lester, Jr. Dept of Chemistry theoretical and physical chemistry, advances in basic theory, computational methods, study of molecular electronic structure, quantum Monte Carlo method, Born-Oppenheimer approximation
Xin Liu Dept of Anthropology history and/of anthropology, contemporary trends in social theory, social/cultural anthropology, comparative societies, capitalism and culture, America and China/East Asia