David Ackerly Dept of Integrative Biology california biodiversity, climate change, adaptation, community-engaged research/scholarship
Sabrina Agarwal Dept of Anthropology Bioarchaeology, skeletal biology, gender research, ethics in biological anthropology, osteology and osteoporosis, health and disease, paleopathology., community-engaged research/scholarship, community engaged/collaborative archaeology
Jennifer Ahern School of Public Health mental health, epidemiology, social epidemiology, population health, neighborhood characteristics and health, methodological issues and novel methodological applications in social, traumatic events, substance use, behavioral health, birth outcomes and maternal health
Wali Ahmadi Dept of Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures Persian literature, literary theory and criticism, cultural history, Afghanistan
M. Reza Alam Dept of Mechanical Engineering Theoretical Fluid Dynamics, Nonlinear Wave Mechanics, Ocean and Coastal Waves Phenomena, Ocean Renewable Energy (Wave, Tide and Offshore Wind Energy), Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Fluid Flow Control, ocean renewable energy
Catherine Albiston School of Law Dept of Gender and Women's Studies Dept of Sociology inequality, social change, law, employment, legal profession, public interest law, gender discrimination
Ronald Amundson Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management soils, environmental science, isotope biogeochemistry, pedology, environmental history & ethics, soilsbiogeochemistry, ecosystems
Geeta Anand School of Journalism journalism, health care, equity, social justice, politics, ethics, media, disinformation, India, international affairs
Michael L. Anderson Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics health economics, environmental economics
David Anthoff Dept of Energy & Resources Group environmental economics, climate policy, integrated assessment models
Ana Claudia Arias Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) physical electronics, energy, flexible and printed electronics
Krste Asanovic Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer architecture, VLSI design, parallel programming
Anil Aswani Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research machine learning and artificial intelligence, precision health, optimization, statistics
David M. Auslander Dept of Mechanical Engineering control systems, simulation, mechatronics, real time software, energy management, satellite attitude control, demand response, machine control
Paola Bacchetta Dept of Gender and Women's Studies transnational feminist and queer theory; decolonial feminist and queer theory; activisms, artivisms, practices, movements, alliances; right-wings; geographic specializations outside the U.S., France, India, Italy, Brazil.
Nicholas Baer Dept of German film theory and history, digital media, aesthetics, critical theory, philosophy of history, technics, media theory and archaeology
Dennis Baldocchi Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management biometeorology, climate change and ecosystems, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, agricultural meteorology, ecosystem ecology, carbon cycle, evaporation, ecohydrology, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship
Lilla Balint Dept of German contemporary German literature and media, theories of the contemporary, aesthetics and politics, transnationalism and translation, digital writing, European Jewish literature, literary and cultural theory, theories of the novel
Patricia Baquedano-López School of Education immigration and diaspora from Latin America to the U.S., Latinos and education, race and language, Indigenous language revitalization