Nilah Ioannidis Division of Computer Science (EECS) computational biology, machine learning, artificial intelligence, genomics, personal genome interpretation, precision health, rare diseases, statistical genetics, molecular biology, biophysics
Ganesh Iyer Haas School of Business competitive marketing strategy, internet strategy and e-commerce, information design, distribution channels, advertising and communication, bounded rationality
Trevor Jackson Dept of History inequality, financial crisis, central banking, economic history, early modern Europe
Desmond Jagmohan Dept of Political Science history of political thought, American political thought, African American political thought, race and American political development
Jiantao Jiao Division of Computer Science (EECS) Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) artificial intelligence, control and intelligent systems and robotics, communications and networking
Sheri Johnson Dept of Psychology bipolar disorder, healthy lifestyles, time-restricted eating, impulsivity, suicidality, community-engaged research/scholarship
Donna Jones Dept of English critical theory, English, modernism, literature and philosophy, literature of the Americas, literature of the African Diaspora, postcolonial literature and theory, narrative and historiography
Nikki Jones Dept of African American Studies African American communities, policing, racial/gender disparities and the criminal justice system, violence and violence interventions
Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers Dept of History slavery, African-American History, Women's History, Women and the Law, Slavery and the Law
Rosemary A. Joyce Dept of Anthropology Latin America, anthropology, cultural heritage, gender, archaeology, sexuality, museums, ethics, Central America, feminism
Keanan Joyner Dept of Psychology alcohol and substance use disorder, externalizing, electroencephalogram (EEG), event-related potentials, ecological momentary assessment, behavioral economics, behavioral genetics
Victoria Kahn Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of English rhetoric, comparative literature, Renaissance literature, poetics, early modern political theory, the Frankfurt School
Vasugi Kailasam Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies Tamil studies, film and digital culture, South Asia, South and Southeast Asian studies, cultural studies of Southeast Asia, South Asian Literature and Culture
Daniel Kammen Dept of Energy & Resources Group Dept of Nuclear Engineering Goldman School of Public Policy public policy, nuclear engineering, energy, resources, risk analysis as applied to global warming, methodological studies of forecasting, hazard assessment, renewable energy technologies, environmental resource management
Ken Kamrin Dept of Mechanical Engineering solid and fluid mechanics, constitutive modeling, computational mechanics, physical applied mathematics
Adib Kanafani Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering transportation economics, transportation planning, transportation systems analysis, aviation policy and planning, urban and regional planning, air transportation
Zsolt Katona Haas School of Business online marketing, search advertising, network economics, social networks
Sonia Katyal School of Law artificial intelligence, law and technology, intellectual property law, contemporary art and law, gender and sexuality
Ethan Katz Dept of History Jewish history, modern France, empire, Jewish-Muslim relations, secularism
Dacher Keltner Dept of Psychology culture, conflict, behavior, love, psychology, emotion, social interaction, individual differences in emotion, negotiation, embarrassment, desire, juvenile delinquency, laughter, anger, social perception, negotiating morality
Micah Khater Dept of African American Studies African American history, black feminist theory, carceral studies, disability studies, racial formation in Arabic-speaking communities
Celeste Kidd Dept of Psychology attention, curiosity, learning, computational modeling, cognitive development, machine learning, belief formation
Yumi Kim Dept of History Japan, Korea, women's studies, gender studies, medicine, religion, colonialism, Asian diaspora