G. Mathias Kondolf Dept of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning environmental planning, fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, flood risk management, river restoration, urban rivers, environmental impact assessment, river corridor management, sediment management, hydropower, strategic dam planning, integrating energy planning and river management
Zachary Lamb Dept of City & Regional Planning urban spatial politics, ecological design, environmental hazards of climate change, Affordable housing, shared equity housing, manufactured housing, adaptation to flooding
Barbara Laraia School of Public Health nutrition, obesity, Food Insecurity, Perinatal Health, diabetes
Eben Lazarus Haas School of Business asset pricing, macroeconomics, econometrics, behavior economics, financial markets
Hayne Leland Haas School of Business structural modeling of credit risk, optimal leverage and agency costs, investment strategies, performance measurement: beyond mean-variance analysis
Ethan Ligon Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics economics, insurance, agricultural contracts, risk sharing, intra-household allocation, welfare, demand analysis
Kristina Lovato School of Social Welfare immigration policy, child welfare, Latinx populations, culturally responsive service delivery
Kristine Madsen School of Public Health health disparities, children, schools, policy, nutrition, physical activity, obesity, accelerometers, physical education
Lisa Maher Dept of Anthropology archaeology, hunter-gatherers, prehistory, geoarchaeology, landscape use, stone tools technology, emergence of social complexity, ancient technology
Mahasin Mujahid School of Public Health Multi-level determinants of racial/ethnic health disparities, neighborhood environments and cardiovascular health, breast cancer treatment and survivorship Methods in social epidemiology, population health
Anders Näär Dept of Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology gene expression, microRNAs, Mammalian Cell Metabolism, Metabolic Diseases, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, NAFLD/NASH, cancer therapies
Amani Nuru-Jeter School of Public Health health inequities, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic position, stress and health, place and health, social determinants of health, cardiometabolic risk, birth outcomes
Kate O'Neill Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management wastes and the circular economy, global environmental governance, climate change politics, globalization, environmental politics and policy, environmental movements
Jason Okonofua Dept of Psychology mindsets, stereotypes, education-based motivation, large-scale psychological intervention, social cognition, teacher-student relationships, school-to-prison pipeline, discipline in K-12 schooling
Eyitayo Opabola Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering assessment and rehabilitation of structural systems, earthquake engineering, vulnerability assessment, community resilience
Deborah Orel-Bixler School of Optometry optometry, vision science, visual abilities in infants, children and special-needs population, visual evoked potentials, vision screening, photorefraction
Shmuel S. Oren Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research economics, algorithms, financial engineering, risk management, planning, optimization, operation of electric power systems, market based coordination of network systems, trading instruments
Kurt C. Organista School of Social Welfare social welfare, race/ethnicity, HIV prevention, social behavior
Kameshwar Poolla Dept of Mechanical Engineering Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) modeling, control, estimation, smart grids, renewable energy, electricity markets, transportation networks, integrated circuit design and manufacturing
Daniel A. Rodríguez Dept of City & Regional Planning transportation planning, transportation policy, environmental planning, healthy cities
Yoram Rubin Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering risk assessment, hydrogeology, contaminant transport, geostatistics
Kaoru Saijo Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology neurodevelopmental disorders, neuropsychiatric disease, neurodegenerative disease, immunology, pathogenesis
Barry Shane Dept of Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology health and nutrition, nutritional sciences and toxicology, birth defects, nutritional genomics