Junko Habu Dept of Anthropology Japan, anthropology, archaeology, climate change, sustainability, East Asia, Jomon hunter-gatherers
Terrence Hendershott Haas School of Business management of information systems, role of information technology in financial markets, after-hours stock trading, electronic communications networks (ECNs), electronic markets
Dorit Hochbaum Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research data mining, integer programming, discrete optimization, network flow techniques, clustering, image segmentation, machine vision, pattern recognition
You-tien Hsing Dept of Geography China, geography, political economy of development in East Asia, the process of international economic restructuring, cultural and institutional configuration in the processes of Taiwanese direct investment, growth in Chinese cities, business networks
Haiyan Huang Dept of Statistics applied statistics, functional genomics, translational bioinformatics, high dimensional and integrative genomic/genetic data analysis, network modeling, hierarchical multi-lable classification
Drew Jacoby-Senghor Haas School of Business intergroup processes, diversity, prejudice & discrimination, implicit bias, intergroup relations, inequality in America
Yuichiro Kamada Haas School of Business game theory, social networks, search, Market Design, communication, political economy, marketing
Shachar Kariv Dept of Economics economics, experimental economics, behavioral economics, networks, microeconomic theory, social learning
Zsolt Katona Haas School of Business online marketing, search advertising, network economics, social networks
Preeya Khanna Dept of Neuroscience Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) biosystems and computational biology, human-computer interaction, signal processing
Edward A. Lee Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) Cyber-Physical Systems, embedded software, modeling and design of systems, real-time and concurrent system, theory of current systems
Lexin Li School of Public Health neuroimaging data analysis, deep brain stimulation, brain-computer-interface, statistical machine learning, Deep Learning, reinforcement learning, networks data analysis, functional data analysis, tensor analysis, ordinary differential equations, dimension reduction, high dimensional inference
Michael J. Lindsey Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, mathematical analysis, probability, numerical analysis, optimization, Monte Carlo methods
Lotus Lofgren Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology comparative genomics, bioinformatics, ecology, mycology
Jeremy Magruder Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics development economics, agriculture in developing countries, labor markets, social networks in developing countries
Lisa Maher Dept of Anthropology archaeology, hunter-gatherers, prehistory, geoarchaeology, landscape use, stone tools technology, emergence of social complexity, ancient technology
Philip Marcus Dept of Mechanical Engineering algorithms, fluid mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, atmospheric flows, convection, ocean flows, numerical analysis, wind energy, Bayesian optimization, neural networks, turbulence, planet formation, internal gravity waves, inertial waves, desalination, protoplanetary disks
Megan Martik Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology neural crest gene regulatory network, vertebrate embryonic development, regeneration of tissue
Sabeeha Merchant Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology Chloroplast, photosynthesis, algae, trace metals, genomics, synthetic biology, designer lipids, Chlamydomonas, Auxenochlorella, Dunaliella
Minoo Moallem Dept of Gender and Women's Studies Transnational and Postcolonial Feminist Studies, cultural studies, Commodity Cultures, Visual and Material Cultures of Religion, Immigration and Diaspora Studies, Middle East Studies, and Iranian Studies