Henry Brady Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy comparative politics, public policy, electoral politics, political participation, survey research, program evaluation, statistical methods in the social sciences, social welfare policy, Soviet Union, inequality in America
Allen Goldstein Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management global change, air pollution, environmental science, biogeochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, indoor air quality
Chris Jay Hoofnagle School of Law School of Information consumer protection, internet law, privacy, computer crime, criminal procedure, law and technology, public choice theory, federal trade commission, federal communications commission, class action litigation, cyber security, cybersecurity, quantum information
Alastair Iles Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management chemicals policy and politics, sustainable food systems, environmental STS, sustainability transitions, sustainability learning and societal change
Gabriel Lenz Dept of Political Science American politics, elections, voter behavior, democratic accountability, campaigns