Nitash P. Balsara Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering electrochemical energy conversion, polymer properties, small angle scattering, nanoscale and microscale sciences
Stefano M. Bertozzi School of Public Health HIV/AIDS, HIV prevention, HIV treatment programs, reproductive health, health economics, anti-poverty programs, impact evaluation
Stephen Best Dept of English film, English literature, African American literature, literary culture, legal culture
Henry Brady Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy comparative politics, public policy, electoral politics, political participation, survey research, program evaluation, statistical methods in the social sciences, social welfare policy, Soviet Union, inequality in America
Gail S. Brager Dept of Architecture architecture, high-performance buildings, energy use, indoor environmental quality, post-occupancy evaluation, comfort and adaptation in buildings, natural ventilation and mixed mode
Travis J. Bristol Dept of African American Studies School of Education race and gender, urban schooling, organizational contexts of teachers' work, educational equity, African American students in schools
David Card Dept of Economics education, immigration, unemployment, inequality, race and gender, program evaluation
Emmeline Chuang School of Social Welfare inter-organizational relationships, frontline health and human service workers, implementation science, coordination of health and social services
John Clarke Dept of Physics nuclear magnetic resonance, physics, noise limitations, applications of superconducting quantum interference devices, low-transition temperature, axion detectors, sensing of magnetically-tagged biomolecules, nondestructive evaluation
John (Jack) Colford School of Public Health public health, epidemiology, infectious diseases, clinical trial designs
Sunil Dutta Haas School of Business accrual accounting information, managerial performance measures, firms' disclosure policies, disclosure policies' valuation in capital markets
Jeffrey L Edleson School of Social Welfare program evaluation, family violence, child maltreatment, engaging men, violence prevention
Anastassia Fedyk Haas School of Business finance, behavioral economics, labor and finance, role of information technology in financial markets
Avi Feller Dept of Statistics Goldman School of Public Policy applied statistics, theoretical statistics, Bayesian statistics, machine learning, statistics in social sciences
Filip C. Filippou Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering nonlinear analysis of structures, finite element analysis, seismic response simulation, seismic evaluation of structures by computer analysis
Paul Fine Dept of Integrative Biology speciation, plant ecology, plant evolutionary biology, floristics and phytogeography
Felix Raoul Fischer Dept of Chemistry Organic and Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Molecular Electronics, Scanning Probe Microscopy, Graphene Nanomaterials
Marion Fourcade Dept of Sociology culture, social theory, political sociology, economic sociology, comparative methods, knowledge and science
Karen Trapenberg Frick Dept of City & Regional Planning political polarization, politics of infrastructure, transportation policy and planning
Bruce Fuller School of Education policy analysis and evaluation, reform issues, charter schools, child care, early childhood development, economy and education
Eileen D. Gambrill School of Social Welfare social welfare, professional ethics and education, social learning theory, behavioral methods
Jonah B. Gelbach School of Law civil procedure, statutory interpretation, law and economics, event study methodology, securities litigation, economics of crime, public assistance, statistical methods
Paul Gertler School of Public Health Dept of Demography Haas School of Business health economics, public health, health care financing, economic development, industrial organizaition