Research Expertise and Interest
mortgage markets, prepayment modeling, valuation, hedging, term structure modeling valuation of derivative securities, application of non-parametric estimation techniques, pricing of derivatives
Research Description
Richard Stanton is a Professor of Finance and Real Estate and holds the Kingsford Capital Management Chair in Business at Berkeley Haas. His main research interests are mortgage and lease markets, term structure modeling, mutual funds and risk management, and employee stock options (ESOs).
In the News
Looming nightmare in mortgage industry, experts warn
Berkeley Haas Professors Nancy Wallace and Richard Stanton were some of the few voices to forewarn of the massive risk posed by shoddy practices in the mortgage industry prior to the 2008 financial crisis.
Unfortunately, history seems to be repeating itself.
Mortgage algorithms perpetuate racial bias in lending, study finds
Both online and face-to-face mortgage lenders charge higher interest rates to black and Latino borrowers, costing those homebuyers up to half a billion dollars more in interest every year than white borrowers with comparable credit scores.
Mortgage industry is back on shaky ground, experts warn
A decade after the last housing crash, the mortgage market faces the risk of another meltdown that could endanger the economy.
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