Alex Filippenko Dept of Astronomy supernovae, active galaxies, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, expansion of the universe
Paul Fine Dept of Integrative Biology speciation, plant ecology, plant evolutionary biology, floristics and phytogeography
Gary Firestone Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology cancer, steroid hormones, molecular endocrinology, tumor biology, growth factors, dietary compounds, tumor cells, glucocorticoids
Aaron Fisher Dept of Psychology Idiographic Science, Group-to-Individual Generalizability, Personalization, EMA, Time Series, physiology, Methods and Statistics
Daniel Fisher Dept of Anthropology music, media, Indigenous Australia, ethnographic film, cinema, urban anthropology, urban studies, fire ecology
Graham R. Fleming Dept of Chemistry Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research chemistry, proteins, chemical and biological dynamics in the condensed phase, ultrafast spectroscopy, liquids, solutions, glasses, photosynthetic proteins, role of solvents in chemical reactions, electronic energy transfer, electron transfer, regulation of photosynthetic light harvesting
Daniel Fletcher Dept of Bioengineering bioengineering, optical and force microscopy, microfabrication, biophysics, mechanical properties of cells
Marion Fourcade Dept of Sociology culture, social theory, political sociology, economic sociology, comparative methods, knowledge and science
Cybelle Fox Dept of Sociology historical sociology, American welfare state, race and ethnic relations, immigration policy
Darlene D. Francis School of Public Health biological basis of health disparities, developmental programming, stress, environment x gene interactions, animal models, biopsychosocial approach to health and well-being
Anne-lise Francois Dept of English Dept of French popular culture, English, comparative literature, the modern period, comparative romanticisms; lyric poetry; the psychological novel, novel of manners; gender, critical theory; literature, philosophy; fashion
Massimiliano Fratoni Dept of Nuclear Engineering nuclear reactor design, fuel cycle analysis, fusion reactors, nuclear power, nuclear engineering, nuclear reactor physics, nuclear reactor safety
Robert J. Full Dept of Integrative Biology energetics, comparative biomechanics, arthropod, adhesion, comparative physiology, locomotion, neuromechanics, biomimicry, biological inspiration, reptile, gecko, amphibian, robots, artificial muscles
Daena Funahashi Dept of Anthropology Political anthropology, critical theory, Crisis of Legitimacy, Burnout, economy of excess, scientific authority, Nordic Welfare, sociocultural anthropology, Southeast Asia
Andrew Garrett Dept of Linguistics linguistics, English, California, language change, Indo-European languages, historical linguistics, northern California Indian languages, linguistic structure, typology, ancient Greek, Latin, Irish, Oceanic languages
Rosemary G. Gillespie Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management systematics, insect biology, evolution and conservation biology, spiders, oceanic islands
Manuela Girotto Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management hydrologic response, natural and human driven processes, remote sensing, sea level change, snow hydrology
Evelyn Nakano Glenn Dept of Ethnic Studies Dept of Gender and Women's Studies labor, citizenship, undocumented students, caring work, settler colonialism, skin color bias
Allen Goldstein Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management global change, air pollution, environmental science, biogeochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, indoor air quality
Amanda Jo Goldstein Dept of English 18th-century British literature, 19th century British literature, critical theory, poetry
Joshua Goldstein Dept of Demography mortality, fertility, aging, social inequality, mathematical demography, economic demography, quantitative methods, United States, Europe
Andrea Gomez Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology neurobiology, RNA splicing, synaptic plasticity, psychedelic biology, electrophysiology, two-photon imaging, molecular genetics, molecular biology