You-tien Hsing Dept of Geography China, geography, political economy of development in East Asia, the process of international economic restructuring, cultural and institutional configuration in the processes of Taiwanese direct investment, growth in Chinese cities, business networks
Shari Huhndorf Dept of Ethnic Studies interdisciplinary Native American studies, Alaska Native studies, cultural studies, gender studies, American studies, literary and visual culture
Xandra Ibarra Dept of Art Practice performance art, video, sculpture, new genres, feminist and queer theory, Latin American and U.S. Chicana/Latino performance
Desmond Jagmohan Dept of Political Science history of political thought, American political thought, African American political thought, race and American political development
David Kirp Goldman School of Public Policy public policy, law, social policy, higher education policy, politics and policy, primary and secondary education policy, race and ethnicity, early childhood policy
Long Le-Khac Dept of Ethnic Studies relational race studies, literatures of Asian Americans and Latinxs
Steven Lee Dept of English twentieth-century American literature, comparative ethnic studies, diaspora, Korean studies, Soviet and post-Soviet studies
Meng C. Lin School of Optometry contact lenses, vision, clinical trials (phase I - Phase IV), clinical trial designs, tear film, biomedical devices, ocular surface
Beatriz Manz Dept of Ethnic Studies Dept of Geography Latin America, human rights, peasantry, migrations, social movements, political conflict, Mayan communities in Guatemala, issues of memory, grief
Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton Dept of Psychology diversity, intergroup relations, education, prejudice, stigma
Edward Miguel Dept of Economics Africa, education, development economics, human capital, health, ethnic divisions, social capital, civil conflict, war, pre-analysis plans, water.
Minoo Moallem Dept of Gender and Women's Studies Transnational and Postcolonial Feminist Studies, cultural studies, Commodity Cultures, Visual and Material Cultures of Religion, Immigration and Diaspora Studies, Middle East Studies, and Iranian Studies
David Montejano Dept of Ethnic Studies social change, historical sociology, political sociology, community studies, race & ethnic relations
G. Cristina Mora Dept of Sociology classification, organizations, race and ethnicity, Latino Migration
Mahasin Mujahid School of Public Health Multi-level determinants of racial/ethnic health disparities, neighborhood environments and cardiovascular health, breast cancer treatment and survivorship Methods in social epidemiology, population health
Peter Nelson Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management indigenous archaeology, indigenous environmental studies, settler colonialism, community-based participatory research, California
Amani Nuru-Jeter School of Public Health health inequities, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic position, stress and health, place and health, social determinants of health, cardiometabolic risk, birth outcomes
Kurt C. Organista School of Social Welfare social welfare, race/ethnicity, HIV prevention, social behavior
Tianna Paschel Dept of African American Studies Dept of Sociology racial ideology, politics, globalization, Latin America
Bernadette Pérez Dept of History history, United States, Latinx, American West, indigenous history, migration, labor, agriculture, Borderlands, the Americas, colonialism, environment
Laura E. Pérez Dept of Ethnic Studies Chicana/Latina Feminist & Queer literary, visual, performance arts; US women of color thought; decolonial aesthetics and decolonial spiritualities