Ashok Gadgil Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering drinking water, fuel-efficient stoves, indoor air quality, energy efficiency, developing countries, buildings energy efficiency
Baoxia Mi Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering membrane separation, desalination, water purification, solar evaporation, wastewater reuse, environmental applications of nanomaterials
Kara L. Nelson Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering wastewater based epidemiology, water and wastewater treatment, water reuse, detection and inactivation of pathogens in water and sludge, appropriate technologies
David L. Sedlak Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering fate and transport of and transformation of chemicals in the aquatic environment, water reuse and water recycling, urban water infrastructure, engineered treatment wetlands
Kimberley Seed Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology interactions between bacteria and their viral predators