Stephanie L Canizales Dept of Sociology international migration, immigrant integration, inequality and mobility, qualitative methods, children-youth-and families
Julia Fawcett Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies performance history/historiography, British performance 1650-1800, British literature 1650-1800, disability, gender, social geography, set design
Cybelle Fox Dept of Sociology historical sociology, American welfare state, race and ethnic relations, immigration policy
Joshua Goldstein Dept of Demography mortality, fertility, aging, social inequality, mathematical demography, economic demography, quantitative methods, United States, Europe
Hidetaka Hirota Dept of History US immigration history, American immigration law and policy, Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 19th century United States, Asian American history, U.S. and the world, Global Migration, Transnational History
Beatriz Manz Dept of Ethnic Studies Dept of Geography Latin America, human rights, peasantry, migrations, social movements, political conflict, Mayan communities in Guatemala, issues of memory, grief
Minoo Moallem Dept of Gender and Women's Studies Transnational and Postcolonial Feminist Studies, cultural studies, Commodity Cultures, Visual and Material Cultures of Religion, Immigration and Diaspora Studies, Middle East Studies, and Iranian Studies
Calvin Morrill School of Law sociology of law, organizational theory, ethnography, social movements, youth culture and conflict, sociology of culture, entrepreneurship
Caitlin Patler Goldman School of Public Policy US immigration and criminal laws, immigration, immigration detention, legal statuses, maternal and child health, history of immigration in U.S., population health with focus on social determinants of health
Leti Volpp School of Law citizenship, law and culture, identity (especially race and gender), immigration and migration, Asian American studies
Qing Zhou Dept of Psychology culture, family, child development, developmental psychopathology, immigrants, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship
Stephanie Zonszein Dept of Political Science immigrant integration, intergroup relations, causal inference, race and ethnic politics, political behavior