Nicole King Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology choanoflagellates, multicellularity, evolution of animals, host-microbe interactions, bacterial cues
Patrick Kline Dept of Economics inequality, Place Based Policies, firm wage setting policies, employment discrimination, econometrics, discrimination
Arash Komeili Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology microbiology, Biomineralization, bacterial organelles, Magnetic Nanoparticles
Yaniv Konchitchki Haas School of Business Monetary economics, macroeconomics, macro-finance, Financial-based solutions to world’s grand challenges, capital markets research, financial accounting, FinTech, financial technology and innovation, financial statement analysis, asset pricing, macro-accounting
G. Mathias Kondolf Dept of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning environmental planning, fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, flood risk management, river restoration, urban rivers, environmental impact assessment, river corridor management, sediment management, hydropower, strategic dam planning, integrating energy planning and river management
Jake Kosek Dept of Geography cultural politics of nature and difference, cultural geography, Science and Technology studies, critical race theory, critical cartography, biopolitics, human and the non-human, environmental politics
SanSan Kwan Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies dance studies, performance studies, Asian American studies
Jennifer Anne LaFleur School of Journalism Data journalism, investigative journalism, disability, inequality, criminal justice
Ling Hon Lam Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures pre-modern drama and fiction, women's writing, sex and gender, history and theory of emotion, 19th and 20th century media culture, critical theory
Stephan Lammel Dept of Neuroscience neuroscience, Optogenetics, dopamine, motivation, reward, electrophysiological techniques
Henrike C. Lange Dept of History of Art art, architecture, literature, afterlife of antiquity, middle ages & Renaissance / early modern age, Giotto, Donatello, Mantegna, Botticelli, Raphael, 19th/20th cent. historiography, Aby Warburg, total solar eclipses, theology, creativity and interdisciplinarity
Niklaus Largier Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of German theology, anthropology and literature, literature and the visual arts, philosophical anthropology, ritual and religion, religious practice, literature
Javad Lavaei Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research control theory, optimization, power systems
Long Le-Khac Dept of Ethnic Studies relational race studies, literatures of Asian Americans and Latinxs
Edward A. Lee Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) Cyber-Physical Systems, embedded software, modeling and design of systems, real-time and concurrent system, theory of current systems
Steven Lee Dept of English twentieth-century American literature, comparative ethnic studies, diaspora, Korean studies, Soviet and post-Soviet studies
Anneka Lenssen Dept of History of Art global modern art, the Middle East, theories of decolonization, visual culture, contemporary art
Amy Lerman Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy American government, public opinion, civic engagement, criminal justice, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership
Marcia C. Linn School of Education artificial intelligence, technology, learning, mathematics, science, education, science teaching, gender equity, design of learning environments