David Singh Grewal School of Law legal theory, political theory, intellectual history, global economic governance, international trade law, intellectual property law and biotechnology, law and economics
Paul Grigas Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research optimization, machine learning, data-driven decision-making
Jocelyne Guilbault Dept of Music power relations, global industrialization, labor practices, and work ethics in Caribbean popular musics, diaspora, cultural entrepreneurship
Venkatesan Guruswami Dept of Mathematics Division of Computer Science (EECS) theoretical computer science, coding theory, approximate optimization, randomness in computation, computational complexity
Zoé Hamstead Dept of City & Regional Planning environmental planning, climate planning, sustainability and resilience, environmental and climate justice, geographic and spatial analysis, urban policy and political economy, global environmental governance, community engagement
Ian F. Haney Lopez School of Law constitutional law, race relations, civil rights, race in politics, Latinos
Christine Hastorf Dept of Anthropology anthropology, archaeology, paleoethnobotany/archaeobotany, ancient plant use, foodways, Andean South America, indigenous ontologies, agriculture
Wick Haxton Dept of Physics astrophysics, neutrino physics, nuclear astrophysics, tests of symmetries and conservation laws in nuclear and particle and atomic physics, many-body theory, effective theories
Richard K. Hernandez School of Journalism journalism, new media, Mobile, visual storytelling, virtual reality, film/video production, photojournalism
Todd Hickey Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies classics, papyrology, Greek, Egyptian, social and economic history, late antiquity
Hidetaka Hirota Dept of History US immigration history, American immigration law and policy, Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 19th century United States, Asian American history, U.S. and the world, Global Migration, Transnational History
Roberto Horowitz Dept of Mechanical Engineering adaptive control, machine learning, learning and nonlinear control, control of robot manipulators, computer mechatronics systems, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), intelligent vehicle, highways systems
Matthew Hough Dept of Music music composition, music theory, popular music, music performance, music pedagogy
Hilary Hoynes Dept of Economics Goldman School of Public Policy poverty, inequality, economic policy, Social Safety Net, labor economics, public economics, Food Insecurity, COVID-19
Glynda Hull School of Education language, culture, society, education, literacy, writing in and out of schools, multi-media technology, new literacies, adult learning, work, and community, school, university collaborations
Alastair Iles Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management chemicals policy and politics, sustainable food systems, environmental STS, sustainability transitions, sustainability learning and societal change
Cesunica Ivey Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering atmospheric modeling, exposure monitoring, environmental justice applications
Ganesh Iyer Haas School of Business competitive marketing strategy, internet strategy and e-commerce, information design, distribution channels, advertising and communication, bounded rationality
Donna Jones Dept of English critical theory, English, modernism, literature and philosophy, literature of the Americas, literature of the African Diaspora, postcolonial literature and theory, narrative and historiography
Nikki Jones Dept of African American Studies African American communities, policing, racial/gender disparities and the criminal justice system, violence and violence interventions
Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers Dept of History slavery, African-American History, Women's History, Women and the Law, Slavery and the Law