Daniela Cammack Dept of Political Science ancient Greek democracy, Roman politics, the history of democracy and constitutionalism
Susanna Elm Dept of History history of the Later Roman Empire, pagan - Christian interactions, ancient medicine, slavery and the evolution of Christianity, leadership and empire, gender and imperial rule, reception of antiquity
Grace Erny Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies archaeology, archaeology and history of Greece and the Aegean, inequality in the ancient world, archaeology survey and the rural Mediterranean, analysis of archaeological ceramics, archaeological ethics, public archaeology
Giovanni R. F. (John) Ferrari Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies classics, ancient philosophy, Greek culture, ancient poetics and rhetoric
Andrew Garrett Dept of Linguistics linguistics, language change, Indo-European languages, historical linguistics, Indigenous California languages, Indigenous language revitalization
Todd Hickey Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies classics, papyrology, Greek, Egyptian, social and economic history, late antiquity
Nora Jacobsen Ben Hammed Dept of Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures continued life of Islamic philosophy
Darya Kavitskaya Dept of Linguistics Dept of Slavic Languages and Literatures phonological theory, phonetics/phonology interface, historical phonology, Slavic, Turkic, Uralic
Leslie Kurke Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies Dept of Comparative Literature classics, Greek literature and culture, archaic Greek poetry, Herodotus, Aesop, Ancient Greek popular culture
Henrike C. Lange Dept of History of Art art, architecture, literature, afterlife of antiquity, middle ages & Renaissance / early modern age, Giotto, Donatello, Mantegna, Botticelli, Raphael, 19th/20th cent. historiography, Aby Warburg, total solar eclipses, theology, creativity and interdisciplinarity
Duncan MacRae Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies Greek and Roman history, Roman religion, early Christianity, Jews in the Greco-Roman world, Latin Literature, Latin epigraphy
Paulo J. M. Monteiro Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering concrete behavior, structural materials
Adair Morse Haas School of Business household finance, climate finance, sustainable and impact investing, entrepreneurship and small business, pension asset management
Ramona Naddaff Dept of Rhetoric rhetoric, aesthetics, theory of the novel, ancient Greek philosophy and literature, history of philosophy, contemporary French thought
Nikolaos Papazarkadas Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies Greek epigraphy, Greek history, classics, archaeology, history of modern scholarship
Christine Philliou Dept of History Mediterranean, Modern Greece and Turkey, Middle East, Ottoman Empire political and social history, Turkey and Greece as parts of the post-Ottoman world
Dylan Sailor Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies rhetoric, classics, Greek literature, Latin Literature, ancient Greek, Latin, historiography, ancient Rome, ancient Greece
Kim Shelton Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies ceramics, classical civilization and archaeology, Aegean prehistory, religion/mythology