Johann Frick Dept of Philosophy moral philosophy, political philosophy, practical reason, applied ethics
Jacob Gaboury Dept of Film and Media media studies, computer graphics, history of technology, Science and Technology studies, queer theory, new media, art and technology
Joshua Gang Dept of English 20th-Century Irish and British literature, literature and philosophy, 20th century literature, history of literary theory, the novel, literature and the sciences of mind, close reading, philosophy of literature, philosophy of mind, moral philosophy
Rachel Gershon Haas School of Business consumer judgements and choice, impression management, incentives, prosocial behavior, word of mouth, social consumption, corporate social responsibility
Hannah Ginsborg Dept of Philosophy Kant, Wittgenstein, rule-following, normativity of meaning and content
Alison Gopnik Dept of Psychology A.I., learning, philosophy, psychology, cognitive development, theory of mind, young children, children's causal knowledge, Bayes Net formalism
Nora Jacobsen Ben Hammed Dept of Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures continued life of Islamic philosophy
Donna Jones Dept of English critical theory, English, modernism, literature and philosophy, literature of the Americas, literature of the African Diaspora, postcolonial literature and theory, narrative and historiography
Prasad Krishnamurthy School of Law financial regulation, consumer finance, antitrust and competition policy, law and economics, distributive justice
Akash Kumar Dept of Italian Studies medieval Italian literature, history of science, history of philosophy, Mediterranean studies, digital humanities
Niklaus Largier Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of German theology, anthropology and literature, literature and the visual arts, philosophical anthropology, ritual and religion, religious practice, literature
Darian Longmire Dept of Art Practice mixed media, printmaking, Abstraction, black studies, Black Contemporary Art
John MacFarlane Dept of Philosophy ancient philosophy, philosophical logic, philosophy of language, epistemology
Paolo Mancosu Dept of Philosophy philosophy, philosophy of mathematics and its history, philosophy of logic, mathematical logic