Nitash P. Balsara Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering electrochemical energy conversion, polymer properties, small angle scattering, nanoscale and microscale sciences
James K. B. Bishop Dept of Earth and Planetary Science ocean carbon cycle dynamics, remote sensing, aquatic chemistry, marine biogeochemistry, land - ocean biogeochemistry, chemical oceanography, ocean sensors and autonomous observing systems, Carbon Explorer, Carbon Flux Explorer
Kristie Boering Dept of Chemistry Dept of Earth and Planetary Science physical chemistry, climate change, atmospheric chemistry, environmental chemistry, ozone, earth and planetary science, isotopic compositions of atmospheric trace gases, stratospheric ozone, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, molecular hydrogen, methane
Raphael Bousso Dept of Physics physics, quantum mechanics, gravity, unified description of nature, string theory, quantum properties of black holes, the geometry of spacetime, covariant entropy bound, cosmological constant
Roland Bürgmann Dept of Earth and Planetary Science active tectonics, geophysics, geology, earth and planetary science, geomechanics, tectonics, Seismology, structural geology, fault zone processes, crustal deformation, space geodesy, natural hazards, landslides
Stephanie Carlson Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management conservation biology, evolutionary ecology, fish ecology, stream ecology, freshwater ecology, northern California rivers, Pacific salmon
Paolo D'Odorico Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management hydrology, ecohydrology, water resources, Water and Society, environmental sciences, Drylands, Desertification
Imke de Pater Dept of Astronomy Dept of Earth and Planetary Science radio, planetary science, infrared, observations
Seth Finnegan Dept of Integrative Biology paleobiology, paleoecology, paleoenvironments, mass extinctions, marine ecosystems
Reinhard Genzel Dept of Physics physics, existence and formation of black holes in galactic nuclei, the nature of the power source, the evolution of (ultra)luminous infrared galaxies, gas dynamics, the fueling of active galactic nuclei, the properties evolution of starburst galaxies
William Holzapfel Dept of Physics cosmology, physics, measurement and interpretation of anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background, the universe, density of energy, baryonic matter in the universe, the degree angular scale interferometer, the arcminute cosmology bolometer array
Lara Marie Kueppers Dept of Energy & Resources Group agriculture, climate change, ecology, forests, tropics
Ethan Ligon Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics economics, insurance, agricultural contracts, risk sharing, intra-household allocation, welfare, demand analysis
Jessica Lu Dept of Astronomy black holes, star and cluster formation, galactic centers, adaptive optics, astronomy, instrumentation, infrared instrumentation, astrometry
Raffaella Margutti Dept of Astronomy Dept of Physics astrophysics, compact object mergers, core-collapse supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, Neutron Stars, radio astronomy, space astrophysics, stellar evolution, supernova shockwaves, supernovae, tidal disruption events
Christopher Martin Dept of Integrative Biology evolutionary biology, speciation, genomics, adaptation, craniofacial development
Stephanie Pau Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management Dept of Geography global change ecology, biogeography, spectral ecology, remote sensing, climate change impacts on biodiversity and ecological functioning
David Shuster Dept of Earth and Planetary Science noble gas geochemistry, thermochronometry, cosmogenic nuclide, alpine glacial erosion, chemical weathering, lunar impacts, magnetism, Martian meteorites, Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission
George F. Smoot Dept of Physics cosmology, physics, astrophysics experiments, observational astrophysics, observing our galaxy, the cosmic background radiation, ground-based radio-telescope observations, balloon-borne instrumentation, satellite experiments, the NASA cosmic background
Daniel Stolper Dept of Earth and Planetary Science biogeochemistry, earth history, geobiology, global climate studies, organic geochemistry, stable isotope geochemistry