Janelle Scott School of Education Dept of African American Studies educational policy, charter schools, politics of education, race and education, school choice, desegregation, philanthropy and education, advocacy
Lok Siu Dept of Ethnic Studies diaspora, transnational migration, un/belonging and citizenship, racial/ethnic/gender formation, food, ethnography, Chinese diaspora, hemispheric Asian American studies
Shannon Steen Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies critical race theory, performance theory, American studies, U.S. histories of popular performance, U.S. urban development, globalization studies
Ula Y. Taylor Dept of African American Studies 20th century African American history, African American women's history, black feminist theory, black nationalism
Bryan Wagner Dept of English community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership, community-based research partnerships
Henry Washington Jr. Dept of African American Studies 19th and 20th century African American literature, black intellectual history, black feminist theory, black trans theory, black visual culture and aestetics, performance theory
William White Dept of Anthropology historical archaeology, African American archaeology, historic preservation, heritage conservation, community based participatory research
Frank C. Worrell School of Education development, education, cognition, academic talent development, adolescence, African American, at-risk youth, English-speaking Caribbean, ethnic identity, gifted, psychosocial development, racial identity, school psychology, teacher effectiveness, Trinidad and Tobago, time perspective