Brian A. Barsky Division of Computer Science (EECS) School of Optometry computer science, geometric design and modeling, computer graphics, computer aided cornea modeling and visualization, medical imaging, virtual environments for surgical simulation
Suzanne M.J. Fleiszig School of Optometry immunology, eye, microbiology, infectious disease, corneal physiology, tear film physiology, bacterial pathogenesis, contact lenses, pseudomonas aeruginosa, epithelial cell biology, innate immunity
Meng C. Lin School of Optometry contact lenses, vision, clinical trials (phase I - Phase IV), clinical trial designs, tear film, biomedical devices, ocular surface
Yue Liu School of Optometry epidemiology, optometry, vision science, myopia, refractive errors, accommodation, eye growth, contact lens, optical myopia control, pharmacological myopia control, aberration, bifocal, emmetropization, multifocal, orthokeratology, pediatric vision exam, RGP, clinical trials
Gerard Marriott Dept of Bioengineering Sensors and biosensors, drug delivery systems, optical spectroscopy and microscopy, high-contrast imaging, biomaterials
Kenneth A. Polse School of Optometry optometry, vision science, tear mixing, epithelial barrier function, contact lens extended wear