Lee Friedman Goldman School of Public Policy climate change regulation, public policy, economic organization, environmental markets, school finance, utility regulation, criminal justice
Daena Funahashi Dept of Anthropology Political anthropology, critical theory, Crisis of Legitimacy, Burnout, economy of excess, scientific authority, Nordic Welfare, sociocultural anthropology, Southeast Asia
Liz Gálvez Dept of Architecture design, architecture and environment, materials, heating and cooling, building technologies, sustainable design
Eileen D. Gambrill School of Social Welfare social welfare, professional ethics and education, social learning theory, behavioral methods
Sanjam Garg Division of Computer Science (EECS) cryptography, cybersecurity, theoretical computer science
Reinhard Genzel Dept of Physics physics, existence and formation of black holes in galactic nuclei, the nature of the power source, the evolution of (ultra)luminous infrared galaxies, gas dynamics, the fueling of active galactic nuclei, the properties evolution of starburst galaxies
Paul Gertler School of Public Health Dept of Demography Haas School of Business health economics, public health, health care financing, economic development, industrial organizaition
Aglaya Glebova Dept of History of Art Dept of Slavic Languages and Literatures Soviet art, photography, European avant-gardes, global modern art
Evelyn Nakano Glenn Dept of Ethnic Studies Dept of Gender and Women's Studies labor, citizenship, undocumented students, caring work, settler colonialism, skin color bias
Luba Golburt Dept of Slavic Languages and Literatures Russian poetry from the 18th century to contemporary, lyric theory, nature lyric, Pushkin, Russian literature and art of the 18th and 19th centuries; Derzhavin, Turgenev; history and literature; historical novel
Ken Goldberg Dept of Art Practice Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research Division of Computer Science (EECS) School of Information robotics, art, social media, new media, automation
Bethany L. Goldblum Dept of Nuclear Engineering applied nuclear physics, neutron detection, scintillation physics, machine learning applications, nuclear weapon policy
Robert Goldman Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies literary theory, South and Southeast Asian studies, Sanskrit literature, Indian epic studies, and psychoanalytically oriented cultural studies
Amanda Jo Goldstein Dept of English 18th-century British literature, 19th century British literature, critical theory, poetry
Michael Gollner Dept of Mechanical Engineering combustion, fire dynamics, wildland fire, fluid mechanics
Anu Manchikanti Gómez School of Social Welfare reproductive health, health disparities, birth outcomes and maternal health, community-engaged research/scholarship, community-based research partnerships, participatory research, reproductive justice research
Joseph Gonzalez Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, database management systems
Kevis Goodman Dept of English 18th-century and Romantic British literature, Milton, literature and the history of science, especially medicine.
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas Dept of Economics Haas School of Business economics, exchange rate, lending booms, consumption, capital flows, global imbalances, external adjustment, international prices, international portfolios, financial crises, eurozone crisis
Heather Gray Dept of Physics particle physics, machine learning, algorithms, quantum algorithms, general purpose computation on the GPU (GPGPU)
Paul Grigas Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research optimization, machine learning, data-driven decision-making