Emily Cooper School of Optometry 3D vision, depth perception, computational neuroscience, augmented and virtual reality, assistive technology
Richard H. Kramer Dept of Neuroscience Neurons, synaptic transmission, photopharmacology, ion channels, action potentials, optical imaging, vision, learning and memory, retina, neurodegenrative disease(1551)
Bruno Olshausen Dept of Neuroscience School of Optometry visual perception, computational neuroscience, computational vision
Jorge Otero-Millan School of Optometry ocular motor control, vision while moving, measuring eye movements, eye movements for diagnosis
Michael Silver Dept of Neuroscience School of Optometry cognitive neuroscience, pharmacology, psychedelics, learning, attention, visual perception, neuroimaging
Kevin Weiner Dept of Neuroscience Dept of Psychology visual perception, face processing, comparative neuroanatomy, development, translational applications for patient populations
David Whitney Dept of Psychology cognitive neuroscience, cognition, attention, visual perception, vision, visually guided action, human factors