Rowland Taylor in lab
Photo: Elena Zhukova

Research Expertise and Interest

mammalian visual system, retinal function

Research Description

Rowland Taylor is a professor of optometry and vision science at the Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry and Vision Science.  The goal of his research is to understand how neural circuits within the mammalian retina encode the visual image on the retina. Ultimately, understanding circuit function in the healthy and diseased retina will aid in the development of treatments designed to restore sight. The lab uses single-cell electrophysiological recording and advanced imaging techniques to probe the functional properties of single neurons and arrays of neurons. 

Current projects include:

  • Analysis of specific amacrine cells in mediating motion processing in the retina
  • Examining neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the development of myopia
  • Investigating the potential of novel opsin variants to restore visual sensitivity to degenerating retinas
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